There is no equality.

There is no equality because the people that have the power to provide equality do no want equality, they want their privileges.

Those of wealth, power, status and fame have privilege, regardless of their colour, race, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, political beliefs, etc; and the more wealth, power, status and fame they have the more privilege they have.  They use their wealth, power, status, fame and privilege to make sure that only people who will be the same as them in how they want society to be run will get into positions of influence.

When a person of wealth wants something they just buy it, the only thing about them that will determine if they can buy that thing is if they have the money, nothing else about them will be relevant, not their religion, their skin colour, their nationality, their race, etc.

When a very wealthy, powerful or famous person wants to speak to a high level elected politician, government official or corporate executive, they will get to speak with that politician, government official or corporate executive.  If a person of no great, wealth, fame or power wants to speak to a high level elected politician, government official or a corporate executive, they will not get to speak to them.

When a family member of a person of great power, wealth or fame applies for a job, a phone call is made and they have the job before they are interviewed; the same can be said for admissions to things which have a limited enrollment.

When a family member of or a person of great power, wealth, status or fame contacts a government agency, they don't speak to the same person you or I would have to speak to, they speak to the head or assistant head of that agency, and they get respect and results.

The above does NOT mean that people of no great power, wealth, fame or status, people like you and I, don't sometimes get good results or justice or jobs based on our merit, or admissions to faculties based on our merit, or help when it would be the right thing, sometimes we get those things, but that's not privilege, that is having the good fortune to have gotten to deal with a fair minded person, who treated you honestly, fairly, justly and equally, which cannot be counted on and does not happen very often.  If any race, religion, political belief, skin colour, sexual orientation, etc. had privilege, then anyone of that group would be able to count on always getting good treatment.  If there is nothing about you that will just make the good treatment come to you, then you have NO privilege.  Persons of great power, wealth, status or fame always get the good treatment because of who they are, whether or not they deserve the good treatment they get it, that's privilege.

When decisions are made about income tax levels, rates of bank interest, land developments, international relations, and any other big decisions you can think of, the people who will ultimately have the authority to make those decisions do NOT go out and speak with groups of light skinned people, they consult the powerful and the wealthy without caring what the skin colour or religion or heritage or sexual orientation is of the wealthy and the powerful.


The History of Privilege, from the Beginning of History to 2024:

Emperors, Kings, Chiefs and their nobles all had privileges.  However, the people of their nations or tribes, their people, people of the same religion and skin colour as the Emperor, King or Chief had no privilege by virtue of having the same religion and skin colour as the Emperor, King or Chief.  They were heavily taxed, forced into military service, allowed to starve to death, beaten, imprisoned or tortured, their same religion and skin colour gave the people no privileges.  Captured slaves were treated worse than the people of the nation by the laws and rules made by the Emperor, King, Chief, and their nobles, not by laws made by the people of the nation.  The people had no power to change anything, they had no privilege, they were simply less poorly treated than slaves.  Some of the people below the level of noble who had slaves bear the guilt of their own wrong doing.  However, their neighbours who had no slaves and their descendants who had no slaves had nothing to do with anything that happened and bear no guilt except for what they themselves did.  Living in a country in no way places guilt on a person for the wrongs done in that country over which the person had no control.

Thousands of years later nothing changed.  By way of example let us look at England, by the 1700's England was wealthy and powerful, and filled with light skinned men, whose hair was brown and blond and red and whose eyes were brown and green and blue.  Those light hair coloured, light skinned men were the ones that were forced to serve as virtual slaves on the King's ships, subject to being wiped or thrown into the ship's dark damp lightless below deck prison cells at the captain's orders, for any reason the captain chose or for no reason at all, with no appeal.  They were not privileged.  England's peasant farmers were fair haired, light skinned men, women and children, they had no privilege.  England's shop keepers, who, with their families, lived in little rooms above their shops or behind their shops, were all light skinned and fair haired and had no privilege.  The kings and queens and earls and dukes and counts and others of wealth and/or title, had wealth, power and privilege.

The light skinned indentured servants from England and many of the countries of Europe had no power or privilege.  Indentured servants, the huge majority of whom were light skinned Europeans, was a level of existence just above slavery.  In Canada and the United States it was mainly imposed upon light skinned people.  Indentured servitude was sufficiently similar to slavery that in "The United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights" it is banned in the same section that bans slavery, Article 8.  The 13th amendment to the United States Constitution, which abolished slavery also abolished indentured servitude, such is the similarity between slavery and indentured servitude.

To be clear, slavery was worse than indentured servitude; however, indentured servants were legally subject to being wipped and tortured by their masters, put into any form of confinement by their masters, sold by their masters, and not paid at the discretion of their master.  The point of mentioning the indentured servitude of the light skinned British and Europeans is to make it clear that having light skin did not and does not provide any power or privilege.

The wealthy, the politically powerful, the famous and those of high status, had and continue to have all of the power and privilege.  All evil acts of every society that has ever existed were cause and done by those that had the power to make and enforce the laws.  If you want to blame the people of the present, or place guilt on the people of the present, for acts done in the past, which is a wrong thing to do, then blame those that had some ancestral connection to the wealthy and politically powerful evil doers of the past.

The wealthy, the politically powerful, the famous and those of high status in 2024 are the ones that are causing whatever present evil you believe is being done; if you want to blame and place guilt on the people of the present, then place it on those who have the power to make and enforce the laws; the masses of society of whatever heritage, religion and skin colour have no power to cause anything to be done or not done.


The Establishment, The System, The Man, those are all Hippie words, I lived in the time of Hippies and I didn't like Hippies.  I knew quite a few Hippies; the Hippies I knew were phonies, dishonest, arrogant, snobbish, lazy, or mean spirited, it doesn't mean that all Hippies were like that, but as those were the ones that I knew I don't want to use their words for Society's Power Structure.  Every society is controlled by the same power groups, they just have different names in different societies.  Generically the power groups that control society can be referred to as: Government, Industry, Law Enforcement (Police Force, Courts, Correctional Facilities).  Government, Industry, Law Enforcement is GILE.

Every country on Earth has its own GILE, and therefore every country on Earth is controled by its Rulers Of GILE.  Rulers Of Government, Industry, Law Enforcement = ROGILE.

ROGILE is made up of:
(i)  front men, the high level elected politicians who have the power to: - make
     the laws, - control the army and police forces to enforce their laws, - create
     the government agencies that determine how the laws will be followed and
     for whom they will be enforced and who will get exceptions, - appoint the
     heads of those government agencies, - establish the court systems and
     - appoint the judges who have discretion in how and to whom they apply
     the laws when making their decisions in those government court systems; and
(ii) back men, the people who run the large to very large corporations, which:
      - control the sectors of the country's economy, and - have the power to
     make some areas of the country more prosperous and other area less
     prosperous, and - have the power to control the economy by controlling prices
     and controlling the availability of all products, and - have the power to provide
     campaign and other contributions to the elected politicians, and - have the
     power to provide well paying private sector jobs to whomever they choose
     (including family members of elected politicians and retired elected politicians).

The front men and the back men aren't always men, an increasingly larger percentage of the front men and back men are front women and back women.

There are also the lesser, but still powerful middle men (and women), high ranking civil servants, high ranking corporate executives, judges, and heads of government agencies and departments.

The front men and back men determine the directions and magnitudes of the ebb and flow of all aspects society, the middle men/women do the yearly and monthly tasks necessary for the ebb and flow to happen exactly as ordered by the front men and back men.

Front men and back men also includes the front women and back women, so when you read front men and back men, read it as front men/women and back men/women.

When you see many more immigrants from a specific foreign country, it is not because they forced themselves into this country, they came because the front men and back men wanted them, so the laws or rules changed or were ordered (from high up) to be ignored, and those immigrants were (some figuratively and some literally) invited into this country by this country's ROGILE.

When certain skin colours or races or nationalities, etc. are given preference in any way, be it jobs, or admissions to universities or collages, or scholarships, etc., it is not because they caused those preferences to be given to themselves, they had no power to do that.  The front men and back men wanted them to get those preferences, so the laws or rules changed or were ordered (from high up) to be ignored, so that those preferences could be given.  It became legal, or at least officially sanctioned, to favour some people, which meant that other people were discriminated against, because when there is a limited amount of anything, and some people are given more than their personal merit for that thing warranted, of that limited supply of admissions, jobs, scholarship money, government positions, etc., it means that other people who were better qualified and hence more deserving, but of the wrong sexual orientation, religion, skin colour, nationality, etc., had it taken away from them, because if everyone had equal human rights, then the most deserving based on their personal merit for that thing, would have gotten it, not the person who had the desired religion, race, skin colour, sexual orientation, nationality, political beliefs, heritage, etc.

When ROGILE wants discrimination for or against anyone or any group, then that descrimination happens.  It could not happen without ROGILE wanting it and commanding that it happen, because ROGILE controls all aspects of the country.

When it is decided by ROGILE that more of "Group X" will be allowed into "Faculty Y", or that more of "Group X" will be given "Jobs Y", or that special funding will be given to members of "Group X", etc.; "Group X" does NOT get any power or privilege or jobs or other special treatment.

You read the above correctly, when ROGILE decides to favour Group X, Group X does NOT become privileged or get special treatment; how can that be true ?

ROGILE knows that most people, whatever their race, religion, skin colour, sexual orientation, nationality, heritage, political beliefs, etc. are mainly interested in themselves and in their family.  Some people will talk about supporting or loyalty to their race, religion, skin colour, sexual orientation, nationality, heritage, political beliefs, etc., but it's just talk, you offer them a job they want, or admission to a faculty they want to enter, or a scholarship or other money, and they will try their best to be whatever type of person they have to be for that job or faculty admission, or money.

For most people, if ROGILE will give them what they want, they will become as ROGILE wants them to be, and their talked about loyalty to their race, religion, skin colour, sexual orientation, nationality, heritage, political beliefs, etc., will continue to be talked about, but they won't do anything about it that ROGILE doesn't want them to do.  In other words, most people (and you've met people, so you know it's true) will become whatever ROGILE wants them to be if that will get them what they want.

There are some people in every Group X that cannot be bent by ROGILE's offerings, when ROGILE is increasing the number of people from Group X in any jobs or faculties or to receive scholarships or other money, ROGILE does NOT pick those people from Group X that cannot be bent into the shape ROGILE wants them to be bent into.

Obviously ROGILE is not personally doing the job hiring, faculty admissions, scholarship determinations, grant allotments and other daily functions; ROGILE's desires are known to ROGILE's generals who make it known to their colonels who make it known all the way down the line to their captains and lieutenants (ie. managers, administrators, selection committees, commissions and such).  With some errors those lieutenants and captains carry out ROGILE's wishes on a daily basis, and when errors are discovered and someone not bendable into the shape ROGILE wants gets into a position ROGILE doesn't want them in, they are gotten rid of, usually with a decent pension or buy out, and if that doesn't work they are fired and then if they want to be compensated they have to take the matter to one of ROGILE's committees, commissions or courts.

The point is that Group X doesn't get the privilege of saying, you, you and you from our group will now get these jobs and get into these faculties and will get this scholarship money and this grant money; Group X does not get any privilege; ROGILE takes who it wants from Group X, and it is always people who will become another equally obedient spoke in ROGILE's wheel.

ROGILE will not change, it will be exactly as it always was, with some different faces.

The directions of a country's ebbs and flows will change as ROGILE wants them to or needs them to, so that ROGILE can continue having wealth power and privilege.

There are honest and dishonest, smart and dumb, fair and unfair, good and bad people in all races, nationalities, ethnicities, sexual orientations, religions, etc.; hence a person's race, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, etc. has nothing to do with whether or not they will fit in.  ROGILE can take people from whatever Group X it wants to take people from and ROGILE will continue as it always has.

IF there was a privileged race, religion, skin colour, sexual orientation, nationality, heritage, political belief, etc. then everyone from that race, religion, skin colour, sexual orientation, nationality, heritage, political belief, etc. would be getting the privilege, but there are proportionately far more people of every race, religion, skin colour, sexual orientation, nationality, heritage, political belief, etc. that live low income to average lives with no privilege, because there is not and never has been a privileged race, religion, skin colour, sexual orientation, nationality, heritage, political belief, etc.

ROGILE does not let Group X choose who will become part of the more influential portions of society.  ROGILE, through its ranks, makes sure that when it wants more people from Group X to have more money, more power, more influential jobs, etc., that the people from Group X who get chosen will be the kind of people ROGILE wants in those positions, Group X has no privilege to choose which of its members will get elevated, get better jobs, will get grants, will get into influential positions; Group X gets no privilege, ROGILE retains all of the power to make sure that the people from Group X who get special treatment are ROGILE's kind of people, so that ROGILE will continue as before, but with a few new faces.

By way of example, a conservative who is against abortion and in favour of harsher penalties for illegal drug use will be exactly the same whether they are dark skinned or light skinned, Moslem or Christian, from Italy or from Canada.

By way of example, a radical extremist who wants all green house gas emissions to be declared illegal and all drug testing on animals to be immediately banned will be exactly the same whether they are light skinned or dark skinned, Jewish or Atheist, from India or from Australia.

By way of example a person who greatly values their material wealth and has no interest in anything which does not impact their position in life will be exactly the same whether they are Aboriginal or Japanese, Buddhist or Mormon, from Spain or from Norway.

IF you still believe that you have white privilege, then prove it by using it.  Get out of a speeding ticket, get moved ahead of a darker skinned person in a medical facility; do or get something that you know a darker skinned person cannot do or get; don't flatter yourself that you have more privilege than darker skinned people unless you can prove it.  Don’t take the media’s word for anything.  The people that control the media are the people that own the media, and they are some of the very wealthy people who actually are privileged and who make sure that the media, which they control, keeps people believing in the white privilege lie so that people don’t realize that it is the very wealth and very politically powerful who are the only privileged ones, and that they don’t want to give up their privilege and they don’t want to give up anything to remedy the unfairness in society which they and the very wealthy and politically powerful of the past are responsible for.

The very wealthy and the politically powerful want the regular light skinned person who is denied a job or not allowed to apply for certain grants or scholarships or low interest loans, because they are light skinned, and who is denied their personal merit earned position in an educational faculty, to believe that it is just and fair that they were denied those things because of their skin colour; because the very wealthy and politically powerful don’t want anything taken away from them to make reparations for what was done in the past by their ancestors and their predecessors.

The LEADER LIE is when someone who is the head of an organization claims to speak for everyone who they claim is part of their “people”.  The rabbis, the heads of Jewish organizations, they don’t speak for “the Jewish People”; the Catholic Church doesn’t speak for “the Catholic People”; the “Whatever” doesn’t speak for all of “the Whatever People”, BECAUSE we’re not all the same.  Just because I am Jewish doesn’t mean that when someone says they are the head of some Jewish organization which I have not joined, that they speak for me.  The leaders, religious, ethnic, etc. speak for their own agenda, which involves getting more power and more money for themselves and their organization, because the wealthier and more powerful their organization is the more powerful they are.  Therefore, even if ROGILE was to ask Leader “X” for their opinion on who from their group should be given privileged treatment it doesn’t mean that the best and most worthy people from that group would get elevated.  It means that another person, Leader “X”, who wants more power and/or money would be happy to do what ROGILE wants them to do, because ROGILE is the biggest source of power and money in any country.

The media loves to try and covertly brain wash the “X” people into thinking that they are all of the same mind on a topic, by interviewing a leader who the media knows will say that the “X” people all feel the same way on topic “Y”; but that is a lie.  If the leader knew what all Black People were thinking, then that leader could simply cast his ballot in the next presidential, prime minister, whatever, election on behalf of all Black People, and the Mexican leader could cast a single ballot on behalf of all Mexican People, and the Catholic leader could cast a single ballot on behalf of all Catholic People, etc., and the electoral process would be reduced to the casting of possibly 100 ballots by 100 leaders, and the election results for the nation would be known in one hour; with all of us having been saved the time of going out to vote because each of our leaders knew that we each felt the exact same way and voted for us.  If it is not true that the religious or ethnic leader can vote on behalf of all of the “X” people on something as simple as which one of two parties to vote for, then it cannot be true that the religious or ethnic leader knows what each of the “X” people are thinking on any topic, and it is a media lie that all of the “X” people have the same thoughts on every topic.

The Leader LIE is that the Leader speaks for all of people “X”; the reality is that the Leader speaks for himself or herself and for their cronies, to serve their own personal interests.  Whether or not the leader speaks for some or most of people “X” is completely unknown; what is known is that the leader NEVER speaks for all of people “X”, because all of people “X” NEVER have the exact same opinion on any topic.

Survey’s are also of very little or no use, because (I) you have no way to know if the survey was done or just faked; (II) you have no way to know if the survey questioned only people who would give the answer the surveyor wanted, and (III) you have no logical reason to assume that if 1% or 5% or 10% of the people of group “X” expressed more of opinion “A” than of opinions “B” or “C” that it means that the other 99% or 95% or 90% of group “X” who where not included in the survey would also have more of opinion “A”.  My wife has had surveyors hang up on her when she gave them an answer, which was one of their offered options, which answer they did not want because it went against what the survey was trying to demonstrate.  (I don’t do surveys, my wife will do surveys, we have different opinions of the use of surveys; people often have different opinions on everything, even when they are of the same ethnic group and the same religion.)

The reasons for the "White Privilege" lie are further explained in my paper White Privilege and Other White Lies".  To read that paper from its beginning click here.

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