There were great wrongs done to different peoples in the past, for our society to be a fair and just and equal opportunity society those wrongs must be corrected; that is beyond question.  The questions are who should correct those wrongs and how should it be done ?
I have never met a person who claimed that they were white and privileged that could name one thing which they or their family received which would not be equally available to a darker skinned person.

I have met darker skinned people who belonged to a group which was only for darker skinned people.  I have met darker skinned people who were hired because the employer wanted to hire a person of their race.  I have met darker skinned people who were admitted into university faculties because of their darker skin colour.  I have seen scholarships and bursaries which excluded light skinned people from applying.  I have known light skinned people who were followed by store security because they were wearing their manual labour clothing.  As will be detailed below, I, a light skinned person, have been treated with suspicion by law enforcement and have had my complaints of criminal activity against my family and I ignore by police.

Does the above mean that there is "Non-White Privilege" ?  NO, there is no "Non-White Privilege" and there is no "White Privilege".  The people in power do whatever they want to do, with no consequences to themselves.  When they (the people in power) want more light skinned people they take more light skinned people, when they want more darker skinned people they take more darker skinned people.  The light skinned people and the darker skinned people have no say on what happens to them.  When the people in power want to allow exclusionary activities (clubs, groups, funds, etc. which are only for people of a specific ethnic origin, colour or religion) they allow those things whichever way they want to allow them.  The people, the mass of humanity, regardless of nationality, race, religion, skin colour, heritage, etc. have no power over the ebb and flow of society, or over the laws of society, or over what is enforced and what is ignored.   Regardless of the country in which you live, The country does not belong to you, you belong to the country.
There are poor people, working poor, middle income, wealthy and very wealthy people in North America in all, I repeat, in all races, religions, skin colours, nationalities, ethnic groups, sexual orientations, etc.

In Canada and the United States there are tens of millions of light skinned people living at various levels near and below the poverty line, all the way down to being homeless; living near or below the poverty line is a guarantee that you do NOT have any privilege.

Regarding the relatively high percentage of light skinned male Christians in positions of political power and private wealth in Canada and the United states, there are many countries where the political and business power structures are controlled by one race, religion or ethnic group, look at many of the Asian countries, the Arab countries, and the African countries, and you will discover that in many of those countries their political and business power strucures are controlled by people who are dark skinned; is that a bad thing or a natural thing ?

That there is no such a thing as "White People" and no such thing as "White Privilege" will be proven below.

The privilege of wealth exists, the privilege of power exists, and the privilege of fame and status in society exists.  If you want to read about who is privileged click here.

The more a person has of wealth, power, or fame and status in society, the more privilege they have; it has nothing to do with nationality, race, ethnicity, skin colour, sexual orientation, or anything except wealth, power, status and fame.

One of the reasons for the "White Privilege" lie is that by the end of the twentieth century the concept of privilege for the few that are very wealthy, powerful, and/or have status or fame in society, was deemed wrong by Western Society, but their privilege continued to exist, so they had to divert attention from themselves, and thus invented the "White Privilege" lie.  With all of those "White Privileged" people being the problem, the few that are actually privileged, the wealthy, the powerful, and those with other fame or status in society, would not have their privilege scrutinized, because the big problem was all of those "White Privileged" people.

There is a second reason for the "White Privilege" lie which will be explained below, but first let’s look at some of the hundred’s of millions of light skin coloured people who have no privilege; because if hundred's of millions of light skin coloured people have no privilege, then obviously having light coloured skin does not give any privilege.

The light skin coloured people standing on street corners with signs asking for change have no "White Privilege".

The light skin coloured people sleeping in bus shelters have no "White Privilege":

The light skin coloured people working at minimum wage jobs in supermarkets, stores in the mall and factories have no "White Privilege".

I am a light skinned person, when my home was targeted by vandalism the police refused to stake it out, even though I told them what nights of the week it usually happened; my sixteen year olf daughter and I had to stake out our own home from 2:00 AM until sunrise to catch the perpetrator, we had no "White Privilege".

When my brother and I caught one of two 15 year old bicycle thieves in my backyard, we had to sit with him for two hours in my kitchen before the police arrived, and then he (a darker skinned person) was let go by the court, even though his partner did not return the bicycle, did they get non-"White Privilege" ?   No, it was just a case of no justice.

The tens of millions of working class light skin coloured people who will never be able to afford to own their own home, and will always live in an apartment or a rented half of a duplex, etc. have no "White Privilege":

The tens of millions of middle class light skin coloured people with average wage jobs, who will never be promoted beyond an average wage job, and who will save their money to take a once in ten or twenty year better vacation and drive a ten year old vehicle, have no "White Privilege".

Is it that "White Privilege" means that light skinned people don't get randomly harassed by the cops ?  If that was true at least it's something.  But what if light skinned people don't even get that, what if the media only reports when a darker skinned person gets unjustly harassed, then light skin coloured people don't get any privilege at all.  Why would the media promote a lie to protect the image of the few that are wealthy, powerful, and/or have fame or status in society, because it is they who own the media.

I, a person of light skin colour, have had a few negative encounters with police.  For example, an RCMP officer once pulled his gun on me when he thought I was trying to exit a parking lot through the entrance, it turned out that he read the exit and entrance signs wrong.  A light skin coloured friend of mine and his brother got ruffed up by the cops for looking at cars in an outdoor car lot after hours.  I was given a speeding ticket for going 3 K over the limit on a 100 KPH highway.  The home vandalism issue I wrote about above.  One of my daughters was mugged, she later found out information that would allow the police to find her stolen cell phone (one of the items she had stolen from her), the police did not want the information, they wanted to ignore the mugging.  There are other incidents of being stopped by police for trivialities and of police ignoring illegal acts done to me or my family; it all adds up to that I, a light skinned person, and other light skinned people I know, do NOT get any privilege from police.

There is racism, there is prejudice, there is hatred, there is selfishness, in all peoples all over the world.  There is no good colour or religion or nationality or political belief or race, and there is no bad colour or religion or nationality or political belief or race.  Since somewhere in the 1960's there has arisen a monumental lie and phoniness which pervades and covers the entire planet concerning a people called White People, and an alleged privilege and guilt which they all have.

The first question is, are White People an identifiable group, or is the term White People meaningless as an identifier of a people ?  Is there a white nation, white religion, white nationality, white political belief, white race, or something that can be used to identify a White People ?

Some people would say that the answer is skin colour, that all people whose skin colour falls below a certain level of darkness are the White People.  I would respond that using skin colour as a group identifier is no more useful than using height ranges or weight ranges or eye colour or hair colour or shoe size or curly hair vs straight hair or left handedness vs right handedness, because calling someone a "White Person" tells you nothing about that person, their heritage, their ancestors, with whom or with what group(s) they identify themselves or to which they have loyalties, or who their ancestors were and what those ancestors did.

Why isn't there an "Under Six Footer" group, made up of all people in the world who are under six feet tall ?  That would tell you as much information about a person as saying they are of light skin colour; it would tell you something about their height, just a skin colour tells you about their complexion.

Why isn't their a "Large" group, made up of all people in the world who weigh over 300Lbs ?  That would tell you as much information about a person as saying they are of light skin colour; it would tell you something about their weight, just a skin colour tells you about their complexion.

Why isn't their a "Curly" group, made up of all people in the world who have curly hair ?  That would tell you as much information about a person as saying they are of light skin colour; it would tell you something about their hair, just a skin colour tells you about their complexion.

The reason we don't categorize people all over the world, regardless of their nationality, race, religion or sexual orientation, by weight or type of hair or height, is because that would be meaningless, just a using skin colour is meaningless.

I have been on this planet for a long time, and in all of that time I have never met someone, who when asked what they were, replied "White".  I have met people, of light skin colour, who when asked what they were replied: Catholic, Lutheran, Dutch, French, German, Israeli, Polish, Iranian, Jewish, Italian, Russian, Irish, Scottish, etc., but never have I met a light skin coloured person who said that they were "White".

Where then did the concept of "White People" come from ?  It came from the government and the media to continue the efforts of big government and big business to divide society.  A united society would not turn to communism, a united society would not turn to anarchy, a united society would not abandon technology, a united society would not even turn vegan, a united society would simply be better able to see through the smoke, ignore the mirrors, and discover what is behind the curtain.  In other words, a united society would allow everyone a better chance at knowing the truth, thereby giving most people a better chance at gaining more material wealth.

What the above means is that the average income in Canada and the United states might rise to $100,000. per year and the average mega-billionaire’s wealth might drop from $28,000,000,000. (twenty-eight billion) to $18,000,000,000, and politicians would not feel as free to make campaign promises which they knew (at the time they made them) that they were not going to even try to keep.  The rich would still have lifestyles beyond anything we can dream of and we, the regular people of society, would have somewhat better lifestyles, not such a bad result.  However, the people with the big money and big power want even more of it, even though they could live their exact same lifestyles with less of it.  (People with fifty million dollars live the same lifestyle as people with eighty million dollars, and people with half a billion dollars live the same lifestyle as people with three-quarters of a billion dollars, and people with ten billion dollars live the same lifestyle as people with twenty billion dollars.)

As a child I grew up in a very diverse Winnipeg North End neighbourhood; however, even though most of the kids, like myself, had light coloured skin, there were no White People in my childhood neighbourhood.  When it came up, and it rarely came up, my neighbours and their kids, with whom my brother and I played, would say they were: British or German or Irish or Indian (back then the Aboriginal People I grew up with referred to themselves as Indians) or Jewish or Catholic or Lutheran or Protestant or Japanese or Dutch or Ukrainian or Polish, or others I can't remember at this distant point in time.  In all of my elementary school, junior high and high school years, and in my university years (1973 to 1980) I never saw or met anyone, who when asked what they were, said they were "a White Person".  Consequently, while I did grow up with, play with, argue with, and sometimes (but rarely) fought with, many people whose skin was light in colour, I never encountered a person who claimed to be a "White Person".

In the 1960's the house beside us, with whom we shared a driveway, had an Aboriginal family, two houses to the west was another Aboriginal Family, across the street were the British, German, Dutch and Irish, several houses to the east were the Jewish, Polish and Ukrainian; but there were no houses in which the people, if asked what they were, would have said "White".  The neighbour kids and I played, we argued, sometimes we'd fight (but not often), and heritage, religion and skin colour, had nothing to do with it.  There were a few gangs, there were a few street fights (some of them between the parents).  No-one was discriminated against at Luxton School by the staff, though occasionally some of the kids would have an issue with me being Jewish.  When I went to St. John's High there was some anti-Jewish sentiment expressed to me by some of the staff, but not much, and there were the occasional kids that had anti-Jewish feelings which they shared with me.  In the neighbourhood everyone's dad was working and almost everyone's mom worked at home raising the family, which involved a lot of very important hard work that society later denigrated.  Mother's were teachers, our mother's taught us a lot, but society later said that what our mothers taught us did not count as "teacher" work, because society said that you can only "really" learn from someone with a university degree in teaching.  Our mothers were chefs, they made a huge variety of meals every day, every week, every month, every year, year after year, but society later said that's not work, only the cooking done by a chef with a degree from a culinary institute is work, what the mothers did every day year after year wasn't "real'" work.  Mothers bought the clothes; they shopped for, priced and picked out the clothes we wore every day, but society said that's not "real" work, because our mothers were not fashion consultants, hence any price shopping, design choices, quality selection decisions, styles and sizes that mothers figured out was not work; but had us kids hired a fashion consultant to do it, then it would have been work.  Mothers met with school teachers when needed, to discuss options and strategies for us to achieve more, but that was not management and/or consultant work.  Mothers selected, scheduled and got us into swimming and other lessons, but that was not work, however, had they done the same selecting of meeting times and scheduling of meetings for a CEO, that would be executive assistant work, very valuable.  Managing the household banking and budget was also not work according to post-1960's society.  Post-1960's society declared that all of what mothers did was not "real " work, because some one called an "employer" did not pay them for all that they did.  Having raised children was declared to be of no value in post-1960's society.  The love, admiration and appreciation of one's children was declared to be of no value in post-1960's society.

Some of the thoughts of post-1960's society haveno logic, truth or value to them.  Those who have been truly loved, admired or respected; which is what mothers receive from their children, know its value to the heart, mind and soul; they know its value to a person’s self worth and inner peace.  Post 1960's society tells you that only a pay check from an employer is valuable.  People cannot live on love, respect or admiration; pay checks are very needed and very valuable, however, that does not diminish the value of real love, admiration and respect.

The adults and kids in my neighbourhood were not good and they were not bad, some of them were good and some of them were bad and most of them were a little good and a little bad, and it had nothing at all to do with whether they were British or German or Irish or Japanese or Aboriginal or Scottish or Jewish or Catholic or Lutheran or Protestant, or Dutch or Ukrainian or Polish or others I can't remember at this distant point in time.

Until my grandfather died I spent three weeks every summer with my mother and brother on my grandfather's farm in Saskatchewan, about 2 miles from the town of Lestock.  Our farm house had a root cellar with a dirt floor instead of a basement; my brother and I were not allowed to go down the ladder to the root cellar as we were told it was too dangerous; it also had a forbidden second floor which was so dangerous that even my grandfather and mother did not risk using the ladder to go to it.  The farm house was a very old wooden house divided into three rooms with a total area of about 500 square feet, no running water, no electricity, no central heat, and no phone; the people in the neighbouring farms and in the little town of Lestock were very diverse, about the same as in my Winnipeg North End neighbourhood, but with many more Aboriginals (our farm house was about 3 miles from a Reserve), and with fewer Jewish people, we were the only Jewish people, but again, there were no "White People", there were Polish, Aboriginal, Russian, Scottish, and many other people, but not a single person described themselves as a "White Person".

The adults and kids I encountered on my summer farm days were not good and they were not bad, some of them were good and some of them were bad and most of them were a little good and a little bad, and it had nothing at all to do with whether they were British or German or Irish or Aboriginal or Scottish or Jewish or Catholic or Lutheran or Protestant, or Muslim (there was a least one Muslim family in the area) or Dutch or Ukrainian or Polish or others I never knew of.  (As a point of interest my grandfather lived in his farm house from April until October, where he raised cattle and road a horse to look after his cattle.  Each year his farm house was unoccupied from November to March, he would leave his possession there and return to Winnipeg by train with a small suitcase and a cardboard box or two secured by twin.  When he returned in mid-April his farm house and possessions were just as he had left them.  That practice of his continued from before the 1950's until his death in 1966.  My grandfather's death brought to light much dishonesty by people in positions of power and by government, but that's another story.  The part that is relevant to people of great diversity, is that his farm house was completely ransacked by some of his neighbours, and all of his possessions (including his saddle, of which I was very fond) were stolen within ten days of my grandfather and his best friend having been killed by being blind-sided by an illegally speeding CN train.  Some people are good, some people are bad, and some people are a little of each, and it has nothing to do with their skin colour.

 Click here for pictures.

Races, nationalities, religions, skin colours, etc. are not good or bad, some people are good, some are bad, and most are a little bit of each.

Many identifiable groups, each of which can be called "a people", have been treated horribly by other groups, which other groups can also be called "a people".  The world is made up of many different peoples, some are identified by their religion, some by their nationality, some by their political beliefs, some by their sexual orientation, etc., and some by a combination of the foregoing.

The BIG QUESTION is, are there identifiable groups of people that can be identified by their skin colour ?  The answer is no.  Simply by looking at a person's skin colour you are not able to tell anything meaningful about that person, you would not even be able to tell where they came from.  For example, you see a light skin coloured person (whom you have never seen before) walking down the street, do they come from Canada, France, China, Poland, Germany, England, Egypt, Scotland, Finland, Switzerland, Africa, etc.; what is their religion, are they a liberal, a communist, a conservative, are they intelligent, are they a good person, can they play the piano, do they have a lot of money; have they done bad things to other people, have they discriminated against other people, etc.; you could not answer any of those questions or any other questions based on light skin colour, because skin colour tells you nothing about a person, therefore, skin colour does not identify a group of people, accordingly there is no such thing as a "White People".

There are hundreds of millions of people on Earth with different religions and of different nationalities, all with light coloured skin, but they, all together, are not a "People".

In the middle of the twentieth century the German People (a nationality of people whose skin is light in colour) trod over Europe enslaving the Jewish People (whose skin was also light in colour), forcing them into concentration camps where they were worked to death, starved, tortured, and gassed and burned to death.  Recorded history states that the number of Jewish People, men, women, children and infants that were enslaved, used as slave labourers, and ultimately killed by the German People, is six million (6,000,000); if you took just ten seconds to say hello to each of them before they died, and you did that 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with no breaks to eat or sleep, it would take you almost two years to say hello to each of them before they died, that's how many six million people is. The non-Jewish Germans and the Jewish Germans, Jewish Polish, Jewish Ukranians, Jewish Dutch, Jewish French, etc., all looked so much alike that the Germans forced the people of Jewish parents to wear yellow Star of David patches on their clothing so that the Germans could tell them apart from the non-Jewish people.  If you asked the Germans if they and the people of Jewish parents were all "White People" the Germans would have answered that with an emphatic "NO"; and the people of Jewish parents would have also answered that with a big "NO"; both the Germans and the people of Jewish parents would have said” ‘do you think we are killing ourselves; obviously we are not the same people’.

At the time of writing this update to this paper the war in Ukraine continues; Russia invaded Ukraine with the intent of conquering it and depriving the people who live in Ukraine of the ability to rule Ukraine.  The Ukrainians and the Russians each have skin of about the same light colour, their eye colour variants are the same and their hair colour variants are the same, visually they are indistinguishable.  If they are all "White People" why are they fighting each other; why would the "White People" who live on the area of the Earth currently called Ukraine be bothered if the "White People" who live on the area of the Earth currently called Russia have control of the area currently called Ukraine, if they are all the same people (White People) ?  A people never objects to being governed by their own people.

If the difference is that the White People who live in Ukraine don't want to be controlled by the White People who live in an area with a different name (ie. Russia) then the whole matter could be easily solved by simply getting rid of the names Ukraine and Russia and calling the whole area (that which is now called Ukraine and that which is now called Russia) by a new name.  But we all know that won't work, because being of light skin colour has nothing to do with who a people is.  For example, I and many other light skin coloured people live in an area of the Earth called Manitoba, and we are all currently ruled over by the people of light, dark and in between skin colours, who live over 2,000 kilometers away in Ottawa, those people in Ottawa control how much taxes I have to pay when I buy things and how much income tax I have to pay every year, they also control what is legal and what is criminal and many other aspects of life in Manitoba, and we in Manitoba are happy with that, but NOT because of the skin colour of the people in Ottawa, we are happy with it because we all identify as the same nationality, Canadian.

The light coloured British and the light coloured French fought for centuries; the light coloured Irish and the light coloured British fought for centuries; the first and second world wars were between light skinned peoples.  As demonstrated, being of light skin colour has never meant anything despite the fact that big government and big media is trying to force the meaningless identifier of "White People" onto all people of light skin colour.

Skin colour does not denote a group of people; light skin, brown skin, dark skin, medium skin, olive skin, black skin, does not identify any group of people; knowing a person's skin colour tells you nothing about that person.  I present before you seven people, in no particular order:
    Person A has medium blackish dark skin colour,
    Person B has a medium brownish skin colour,
    Person C has an ivory pinkish skin colour,
    Person D has an olive skin colour,
    Person E has a very light beige pink skin colour,
    Person F has a very black skin colour, and
    Person G has a medium brown red skin colour.

You are told that every correct answer will add one year to your life, but every wrong answer will take away six months from your life, and you can only answer A to G for each question.  You are told that for each of the questions at least one of the people A to G is the correct answer and for some of the questions more than one of A to G is the correct answer, but even for those questions as long as you picked one of the correct A to G you get the extra year of life.  You are not told for which question more than one of A to G is the correct answer, but you know that for each question at least one of A to G is correct and at least one of A to G is wrong.

You can answer as many or as few questions as you desire, any question you choose not to answer will not add to your life or subtract from it.

The questions are:
1.   Pick one person that is of liberal thinking ?
2.   Pick one person whose IQ is higher than three of the other people A to G.
3.   Pick one person that owns their own business.
4.   Pick one person that has killed someone.
5.   Pick one person whose ancestors owned slaves.
6.   Pick one person that has a university degree.
7.   Pick one person who is wealthier than three of the other people A to G.
8.   Pick one person that is Catholic.
9.   Pick one person who owns a hand gun.
10. Pick one person that loves dogs.
11. Pick one person that lives in the United States.
12. Pick one person that is a vegan.
13. Pick one person that holds more racial stereotypes than three of the other
      people A to G.
14. Pick one person that is better at at least one sport than three of the other
      people A to G.
15. Pick one person that was born in Africa.
16. Pick one person who can play a musical instrument.
17. Pick one person who has molested children.
18. Pick one person who is an elected politician.
19. Pick one person who is Jewish.
20. Pick one person who has done more good will work than three of the other
      people A to G.
21. Pick one person who is caring for their elderly parents.
22. Pick one person who would ban some immigrants, based on the immigrant's
      country of origin, from entering the country in which they live.
23. Pick one person who has discriminated against people of other skin colours.
24. Pick one person who has raped someone.
25. Pick one person who has defrauded other people.
26. Pick one person who would drive while drunk.
27. Pick the one person who would win out of all seven people in a physical fight.
28. Pick the one person who is the most dedicated to their religion.
29. Pick the one person who would be a traitor to their own country.
30. Pick the one person who is oldest.

Based on each correct answer adding one year to your life and every wrong answer subtracting six months from your life, which of the questions would you have chosen to answer ?

Skin colour does not allow you to extrapolate anything about a person, their allegiance, their character, on whom they would declare war, whether or not they are honest or dishonest, if they are tall or short, intelligent or dumb, or anything else about them.

Names like white, brown, black, olive, yellow, red, and everything in between, are all equally useless designations for a group of people.

Scottish people will call themselves Scottish, Polish will call themselves Polish, French will call themselves French, Italians will call themselves Italian, Germans will call themselves German, Spanish will call themselves Spanish, Russians will call themselves Russian, and on and on, but no-one identifies themselves as "a White Person".

There is also no "White Privilege".  As proven above the concepts of ."White People" and "White Privilege" are media created lies for the purposes explained above.

Why are some people somewhat to greatly prejudiced against people of other races, religions, colours, sexual orientations, nationalities, socio-economic groups, etc. ?  The answer is that some people are just bad people, other people are influenced by divisive media propaganda.  Society never has and never will be filled with only honest and fair people.  The fact that some people are racist and prejudice means no more than any other variation in human character.  However, if the media can get you, if you are a light skinned person, to believe that you are privileged and owe a debt to the darker skinned people, and can get the darker skinned people to believe that light skinned people are privileged and owe them a debt, then society will continue to be divided along many lines, and big business and big government will not be properly analyzed by society because we will be too busy arguing about who owes who what and who is getting more than their share; and the privilege of the few that are wealthy, powerful, and/or famous or have status in society, will continue to be hidden by the "White Privilege lie".

BUT if light skin coloured people are not a group that can be called "White People", who are privileged and who have gotten more than their fair share for centuries, then why, in Canada and the United States, are there more rich light skinned People, more light skinned lawyers, accountants, doctors, professors, professionals, more light skinned elected politicians, more light skinned business owners and industrial leaders, and more wealthy light skinned people, and more middle class light skinned people ?

The answer is that it was a natural consequence of who created and settled Canada and the United States.

In India there are many times more wealthy Indians, and many more Indian lawyers, accountants, doctors, professors, professionals, business owners, industrial leaders, civil servants, heads of government departments, elected politicians, etc.

In Japan there are many times more wealthy Japanese, and many more Japanese lawyers, accountants, doctors, professors, professionals, business owners, industrial leaders, civil servants, heads of government departments, elected politicians, etc.

In every African country there are many times more wealthy dark skinned people, and many more dark skinned lawyers, accountants, doctors, professors, professionals, business owners, industrial leaders, civil servants, heads of government departments, elected politicians, etc.

In Egypt there are many times more wealthy Egyptians, and many more Egyptian lawyers, accountants, doctors, professors, professionals, business owners, industrial leaders, civil servants, heads of government departments, elected politicians, etc.

In The Netherlands there are many times more wealthy Dutch, and many more Dutch lawyers, accountants, doctors, professors, professionals, business owners, industrial leaders, civil servants, heads of government departments, elected politicians, etc.

There were great wrongs done to different peoples in the past, for our society to be a fair and just and equal opportunity society those wrongs must be corrected; that is beyond question.  The questions are who should correct those wrongs and how should it be done ?

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