This is my search for code breakers. Some people claim to be code breakers. Some people believe that there are aliens with intelligence far beyond our own that spy on the Earth and read everything including coded messages. I put my coded message online in the spring of 2018; it is on this website, but there is no link to it, however, you can easily see it without hacking my website, you just have to recognize it when you see it. Of course, once you locate my message you will still have to break the code to read the message. The message is a few lines from a poem I once wrote plus directions on what to do after you decode the message. This page was put online in the spring of 2018, to date no-one has broken my code and responded to my message. If my coded message is ever decoded I will post that information on this page but I will not tell you who or what broke the code unless they authorize me to do so |